COVID-19 kills 10 more people in CAV: in total in Euskal Herria, 655 per million
  • Following the decline in coronavirus deaths in Hego Euskal Herria – there were no deaths on 31 May, two people died on 1 June – it is now known that 10 more people died on 2 June. All deaths have occurred in the Basque Autonomous Community, although the Basque Government has not made known the number of deaths in each of the three territories.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 03a
Zaintza Intentsiboetarako Unitatea Barakaldoko Gurutzetako ospitalean. (Argazkia: EITB)

The Basque Government has reported that on the last day in the Basque Autonomous Community 10 more people have died from coronavirus. In Navarre there have been no more deaths, as reported earlier this Saturday afternoon. With these deaths, COVID-19 has recorded until June 3 2,078 deaths in the Basque Country, 1,553 in the CAV, 515 in Navarra and 10 in Iparralde.

According to the latest statistics, the mortality rate among us is 655 per million inhabitants, as the Basques are 3.17 million inhabitants. If Euskal Herria were independent, the list of countries in the world with more deaths per million would be completed as follows: 1. San Marino 1.238, 2º Belgium 820, 3. Andorra 660, 4. Basque Country 655, 5. Spain 580, 6. United Kingdom 580, 7. Italy 555, 8. France 443, 9. Sweden 443..

The Basque Government has not provided death toll data throughout the CAV since 14 May, but it does not show this information either. The Basque Government refers to the number of people tested by province and the number of positive people tested, but not to the number of deaths.