The Socialist Network Children of the Crisis started the food and commodities bank in Azpeitia, Azkoitia and Zestoa in the lockdown. However, they have warned that, once out of confinement, the situation of workers "remains in the wrong direction". As they have acknowledged, over time they have learned that the project they launched has “reasons to be.” For this reason, a new campaign has been launched in the region with the aim of strengthening the project.
So far, data on demand and the number of recipients in the food and commodity bank have not been provided. In fact, the provision of data is usually “an exercise of exaltation on the part of organizations that promote assistentialism”. However, given the size and organisational needs of the project, it has been decided to take account of the current situation. As you have noted, 503 applications have already been received in the region of Urola Erdia at this time. 503 people with problems of access to commodities and food, “503 working people excluded from this social model”. Depending on their capabilities, they offer service to 232 people per month. Regarding the data, they have warned that the effort they make is "lame" to respond to the demand. “The need is still there,” explained the Children of the Crisis.
“Only awareness of the gravity of a reality that is not seen has the power to organize and nurture solidarity and commitment,” they say. In this sense, they have pointed out that the participation of citizens is "essential" to carry out the project, either in the form of grants, donating products or providing the workforce as volunteers. They have thanked all those who have so far shown their commitment on this road.
The new dynamic they have put in place is called "Teknopolis" and has been set at EUR 10. Given the “need for continuous economic means” to meet all the demands currently received by the project, an economic contribution of at least EUR 10 per month is invited. The campaign is not limited to the economic aspect, but has also underlined the need to “strengthen voluntary work” and “ensure the receipt of material contributions”. In fact, they have learned that the satisfaction of basic needs requires “continuous development”, thanks to a network of relationships “maintained so far”. In this sense, they have affirmed that any contribution will "open new lines of work" and "launch new dynamics in favor of those who suffer the cruelty of capitalism the most".
The contact telephone number is 688 769 047 and anyone wishing to make a contribution can write to the address. It shall specify the name and surname, the current account number and the amount of the monthly contribution to be made.