Koldo Aldalur Hirigoien 2023ko abenduaren 28a

I have not become old from Lesbos in Greece. In Mitilene, the Basque Flavors Association offers about 2,700 asylum seekers a meal a day: rice and potage, pita bread and a piece of fruit. Limit of dignity, 150 grams per serving. The problem is that there are over 5,000 people in Kara-Tep camp.

As I was back, I decided to write about what's happening there, thinking that in my own way I could help spread the work that Zapore Jai does. But when I get in front of white paper, I realize I have nothing you don't know about.

Because we all know that the European authorities, particularly from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Somalia and Eritrea, want to keep the asylum seekers who arrived in Greece there so as not to disturb Europe. We all know that the money that these authorities pay the Greek Government for having in their land the Registration and Identification Camp is not for asylum seekers, but for the Greek Government, the military and the police.

Who does not know that these people have to flee their people for various reasons? (In view of the situation of women in these countries, is it necessary to justify their desire to leave? ).

If we remember Oxala Aamisa, Farid and the rest of the camp, those of Zapore Jai ask us for some food to send us to Lesbos

Who has never thought that the children who are there, about 2,000, have no way to go to school? His world is limited to five hectares of camp. “Aamisa, Farid, Shana and Zarifah, do you know what Himalaya was?” You may still laugh to remind the foreign man that there are snowy mountains all year round.

Without being there, you and I know that prostitution is also the most miserable place, because the miserable ones that make it possible, like a scrubland, appear everywhere.

Who doesn’t know that these “refugee” camps are places with no illusion and no future? : Amira has been denied her right to travel to Europe for the third time. Nor can he be in the camp because a judge who does not know has decided his future. He has two options: to return to prison in Greece or his country in Afghanistan. He's 20 years old and doesn't want to die. Looking at the friend in the eyes is hard. And moods lose meaning.

However, often, Inshallah and Mashallah (Inxala! and Maxala! in the camp of Mitilene.Dice that God means what he has wanted. I think they lack “oxal” to add a rhyme to the verse of hope. If we remember Oxala Aamisa, Farid, Shana, Zarifah and the rest of the camp, Zapore Jai asks us for some food to send us to Lesbos.

And as you know everything, what am I writing these lines on?