Greece, a.C. Fourth century. Several Greek thinkers, such as Aristotle and Heraklides, wrote about the Etruscans, collecting a negative opinion about the people who lived in the center and north of the Italian peninsula. Etrurian women were especially criticized and historian Teoponpo was the most crude.
“Among the Tirrenos [the Etruscans] it was customary to enjoy women among all, women took great care of the body and did gymnastics often with men, but also among them; for them it is not a dishonor to be at all. In addition, they go to the banquets accompanied by their husbands or any other man, and they touch with the health of whoever they want. They say a lot and they look good. They grow up to all the children who are born without knowing who each one's father is; the children, then, will resume the lives of those who have educated them, often drunk and fusing with all the women. For the tyrants it is not shameful to have public relations [sex].”
From the current view, for many the text of Teoponpo could be praised, but for him, and for the Greeks in general, the Etruscans were an example of evil and immorality.
From the current view, for many Teoponpo’s text could be praised, but for him, and for the Greeks in general, Etruscan women were examples of evil and immorality. In the previous two or three centuries the Etruscans were enemies of the Greeks on the Italian peninsula, which may explain the concern of the Greeks. But attitude towards women had deeper roots.
The status of Etruscan women was similar to that of men. They participated in public activities and Greek women lacked freedom and social status. They accompanied men to parties and banquets and drank alcohol. They could own slaves and goods, manage productive activities and their graves were as rich (or poor) as men's. The writings received their names, unlike Greece. In Greece, and also in Rome, anonymous women had to take the name of father and husband.
The Romans acquired many characteristics of the Etruscan culture: gladiator struggles, symbols of power, urban models… But as for the status of women, they opted for the Greek model.
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