Christian Prudhomme, the director of the Tour de France, has replied to a request made by Euskaltzaindia (the Royal Academy of the Basque Language), and stated that the official signs as the Tour goes through Senpere and Ezpeleta on 28th July will be bilingual, in Basque and French.
In January Euskaltzaindia wrote to the director of the Tour and other well-known initiatives and festivals held in the Basque Country to ask them to take "Basque people's rights" into account. Euskaltzaindia said it was prepared to help with any work needed to do so.
The answer has been received, and Euskaltzaindia sees it in a positive light: "This gives Basque a dignified place in the Tour as it goes through the northern Basque Country and in promoting that stage, both orally and in writing, on signs and lettering, advertising and websites, at the starting point, during presentations and so on." In the letter it sent in January Euskaltzaindia reminded Prudhomme that Basque should be at least as visible as the other languages used.
This article was translated by 11itzulpen; you can see the original in Basque here.