Navarrese Health Service Free for Everyone Again
  • The Government of Navarre (Basque Country) has decided to offer public health care to the people who have been excluded from it; for instance, immigrants without documents.

ARGIA @argia 2018ko apirilaren 13a

Until the end of February, a 2013 Navarrese law determined that the health service was free even for people not registered for it. However, at the end of February the Spanish Constitutional Court invalidated the law after the right-wing Spanish Popular Party had denounced it arguing that expenditure on health had to be cut.

Although the law has been made invalid, the Government of Navarre's health service will continue to offer free care for all, giving financial support to the 5,700 people without documents in Navarre. Now the Navarrese want to take a step further and, at an exceptional meeting, have decided to offer care free to everybody not covered by the health system, and to support that decision in legal terms.

In order to receive free health care, people will have to register with the health system or have an annual income of less than 18,000 Euros.